About us

Center for European Policy Research


Center for European Policy Research (CERP) is a research and science institute at the Academy of Justice. Center conducts interdisciplinary research on the processes of European integration and prepares analysis of European politics. CERP acts in the field of legal sciences as well as the sciences of: administration and politics, sociology, economics and, if necessary, other scientific disciplines.

Our goal is to gather and propagate knowledge about European politics and its significance to particular member states, including Poland. Our mission is to connect scientists, policymakers, experts and practitioners to better understand European policies.

We finance research projects, realized within open competition procedures. It’s findings are shared online and propagated as a publications.

We prepare analysis and studies on current events, related to the broadly understood European politic including Poland’s role in it.

We realize educational projects targeted at students interested in European politics and law.

We organize conferences, seminars and debates, promoting knowledge on various aspects of European politics.

We conduct post-graduate studies.

Over 120 experts from Poland and from abroad cooperates with us.

We encourage you to cooperate in research and development.

We offer joint research projects, publications, seminars and conferences.